Schwerelos in der Straßenbahn

Weightless in the streetcar

Free entry

Would you like to try out what it feels like to hop on the pavement in a wheelchair in real life? Or slip into a simulation suit and suddenly feel 40 years older? Well, who wants that.....ABER: Not only are we all getting older, we can also find ourselves in a situation at any time where we are suddenly more dependent on help than we would like due to an accident or illness. It's good if the environment is set up in such a way that we can live as independently as possible. So that this can happen, let's take a look at it and help!

Our group Die Einzig Artigen - Das Theater mit der Inklusion will be playing its latest performance on (non-)accessible local transport on this Barrier-free City Center Action Day, to which many actors are inviting (if you still want to play along as an extra, please contact us as soon as possible at We have realized that we are living more and more in a world in which everyone is preoccupied with themselves and their state of mind. What impact does this have on everyday life....when riding the streetcar? To be experienced live on 02.05. at 15.45 on Rathausplatz!

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