Inclusion on site in daycare centers and daycare facilities

Inclusion on site in daycare centers and daycare facilities

Supporting diverse communication in everyday pedagogical life

In everyday educational work with a diverse range of children, communication barriers also need to be overcome. This applies, among other things, to children with multilingualism, language difficulties or children who communicate predominantly non-verbally. Other children can also benefit from this support in their participation.

In this context, it can be helpful to address a variety of communication channels and use different communication aids. We, the Inclusion pilot project in Freiburg, together with the Schatzinsel daycare center, invite you to come to the Schatzinsel daycare center on May 8 between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to exchange ideas. We want to discuss possible situations, approaches and supporting materials at a market of opportunities, among other things.

We invite educational professionals to bring their own materials, which can be presented and their use discussed together.

Registration is welcome, but not mandatory. You can register by e-mail:


Schatzinsel daycare center of Lebenshilfe
Müllheimer Straße 28
79115 Freiburg

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