Schurz Shorts Filmmaking Club

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Calling all filmmakers!
The Carl-Schurz-Haus’ very own Filmmaking Club is dedicated to encouraging and creating short films. The goal of the group is to communally support and develop short film projects, with a focus on producing films in English and/or films that address current social, cultural, or political issues. All skill levels are welcome – group members are encouraged to learn from and collaborate with each other. So if you fancy yourself a screenwriter, camera operator, editor, etc… please join us!
Please come with any unfinished projects, fresh ideas, and an open mind.

Meetings are free, but if you attend regularly, we encourage you to become a member of the Carl-Schurz-Haus.
If your are interested in joining the meeting and have questions in advance, feel free to contact Ashley Matthäus: matthaeus[at]
Event language: English

Carl-Schurz-Haus Website:

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