Lecture: Rome in pictures. History of a city

Lecture: Rome in pictures. History of a city

In a lecture in Italian, the Roman and art historian Dr. Guido Giovannini travels into the past and present of a city that is a symbol and mirror of our Western civilization. The lecture series is a cooperation between the Augustian museum and the Dante Alighieri Gesellschaft e. V. on the occasion of the current exhibition "Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Vedute di Roma". The event will take place at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Platz der Universität, Kollegiengebäude I, in lecture hall 1015 and is free of charge.

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Children & youth, Lectures, readings & discussions, Other

Reading time

04/07/2024 / 03:30 PM - 04:00 PM / Stadtbibliothek (municipal library)

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