Information event on the election of the migrant women's advisory board

Information event on the election of the migrant women's advisory board

On May 25, 2025, the 19-member advisory board will be re-elected for five years. Around 38,000 Freiburg residents without a German passport are eligible to vote, more than ever before. In addition, German citizens living in Freiburg with a migration background (naturalized citizens and ethnic German repatriates) can also take part in the election upon application. All eligible voters who have reached the age of 18 may stand for election. The person must be able to speak and understand German.

Inform and stand as a candidate

The information session will take place in the Schauinsland room of the town hall in Stühlinger. Anyone interested in standing as a candidate will learn everything they need to know about the tasks of the advisory board, the conditions for participation and the election procedure. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and talk to the current advisory board and the Office for Migration and Integration.

All information about the election and running for office can be found at:

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