
The power lies in the roots (excursion)

Price: 20.00€

For better or worse, "wild" roots have always been used as food, but also as a remedy (teas, ointments, tinctures). On a hike over the Hirzberg, you will get to know numerous root plants from a naturopathic and culinary perspective. You will also learn when and how roots are harvested, processed and stored. - Please bring: weatherproof clothing. - Registration required.

Course number: 242104555

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Community Journaling with Elise

Courses & workshops

Community Journaling with Elise

20/09/2024 / 08:00 AM - 09:15 AM / Creative Park Lokhalle Freiburg

For this month's theme of REFLECTION, we have decided to gather for some guided journaling. The instructions will be in English but the journaling will be in your own language ;-)

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