In focus
retirement provision for women (lecture)

In focus - retirement provision for women (lecture)

Free entry

In cooperation with the Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf Freiburg - Südlicher Oberrhein - Women should focus on providing for their old age! Women's pensions still only account for around half of men's pensions. Low-earning women, women who have worked part-time for many years and women who have separated or divorced are particularly at risk of poverty in old age. This makes it all the more important to take a closer look: How should I read the annual pension statement? What advice does German pension insurance provide? What subsidies are available? Can I build up a pension even with small contributions? What options are there at an advanced age? Further information: Contact point for women and work Freiburg - Southern Upper Rhine,, 0761/201-1731.

Course number: 251100150F

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