Nothing played today
Tuesday, 01/04/2025 / 07:30 PM / Theater Freiburg - Winterer Foyer
The 1st politically sustainable talk show in Freiburg
Tuesday, 01/04/2025 / 07:30 PM / Theater Freiburg - Winterer Foyer
The 1st politically sustainable talk show in Freiburg
Festivals, Film, Other
14/03/2025 / 06:30 PM / Freiburg Planetarium
To celebrate its 50th birthday, the Freiburg Planetarium invites you to the Kuppelsaal
Children & youth, Guided tours, Other
14/03/2025 / 06:30 PM / Tier-Natur-Erlebnispark Mundenhof (animal habitat Mundenhof)
Guided tour of the animal enclosure under a full moon.