Girls'Day and Boys'Day in Freiburg

On this day, girls and boys can discover professions and courses of study in which they have previously been underrepresented - girls, for example, in IT, trades, natural sciences and technology and boys, for example, in the fields of health/nursing, education/social work or services. They also have the opportunity to get to know successful people in leading positions in business and politics.

The city administration and its own companies as well as municipal enterprises also offer insights into various professional fields. An overview and further information on registration can be found here.

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Stadtteilbibliothek Haslach-FWTM-Vögtle

Children & youth

Free gaming

14/03/2025 / 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM / Haslach District Library

There are 4 consoles (PS5, PS4, XboxOne and 3DS) as well as iPads and a gaming PC available in the "gaming zone" at Jubi Haslach. With a valid ID card, you can play, test and exchange games for 1…

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