Frida and the rage

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A huge cardboard box and a drum kit are on the stage. Dad is reading the newspaper. But the peace and quiet is deceptive, things are about to get crazy. "Tidy up your room, Frida!" echoes through the apartment. "No!", roars the rage. "No!" yells Frida. The explosive cult production by Mia Grau, Vanessa Valk, Konrad Wiemann and team can be seen for the first time at Theater Freiburg from September 2023. Note for kindergarten and primary school groups: We recommend the production (duration: approx. 45 minutes) for ages 4 and up to grade 2. For our collection of materials to prepare for or follow up on the performance, click[here.]

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Picture book cinema

25/09/2024 / 03:30 PM / Mooswald District Library

Our reading mentor Beate Düe reads exciting and entertaining stories for little listeners aged 3 and over and shows the pictures on a big screen.

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