The political man
the opinionated being (lecture)

The political man - the opinionated being (lecture)

Price: 4.00€

In many circles today, having the right attitude is seen as proof of an enlightened moral sense. The idea of finding oneself on the wrong side politically often triggers the fear of disqualifying oneself morally and maneuvering oneself onto the sidelines of society. This is accompanied by self-doubt, mistrust, self-censorship and a resentful retreat into virtual worlds with like-minded people. In our agitated times, we rarely ask more fundamental questions about political attitudes: Are they really the product of sophisticated reasoning processes? Which moral categories count more for conservatives (the right) and which for progressives (the left)? For which social welfare issues do they each have a more pronounced intuitive sense? The renowned American psychologist Jonathan Haidt got to the bottom of these questions. His research findings have the potential to influence and possibly relax the way we think about political attitudes. The lecture will present Haidt's work and also address the question of what could help people who feel they are in an outsider position politically. - Registration required.

Course number: 251102444

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