Ansgar Hufnagel: There is always something

There is always something! Period. There's nothing to add to that. And what else? Who doesn't know all the big little things and small great things that thwart our life and everyday plans? The bicycle chain that suddenly breaks, bad political news, the unintentional line in the fortune cookie, or a tooth filling that spontaneously decides to live somewhere else from now on. We are not alone in this. And to make this clear once and for all, Ansgar Hufnagel takes to the stage in a self-ironically fluffy and pointed manner to talk about his version of the whole thing. Of the chaos in his head. And the chaos around him.

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Children & youth, Guided tours, Other

Moonlight tour

14/03/2025 / 06:30 PM / Tier-Natur-Erlebnispark Mundenhof (animal habitat Mundenhof)

Guided tour of the animal enclosure under a full moon.

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