Zen sesshin

Zen meditation is a practice based on silence and sitting in stillness. Its origins lie in the tradition of Chinese-Japanese Buddhism and came to the West as a gift from the East in the 21st century. In its secularized form, Zen is a way for many people in modern everyday life to deeply experience their innermost self-nature and their connection with all being. sesshin literally means "gathering the heart-mind". In the group, we devote ourselves entirely to our own inner concentration in shared zazen, sitting in silence on a cushion, bench or stool, alternating with walking meditation (kinhin) and recitations. Further elements of the days are impulse talks (teisho), individual discussions for practice (dokusan) and physical exercises. Connecting with everyday life, 30 minutes of mindful cooperation in the house and garden (samu) is possible after breakfast.>> Participants should be experienced in Zen meditation or have attended one of the previous introductions (28.02.-01.03.2025 or 14.-15.11.2025). <<

Course leader: Dr. Geiger-Stappel, Gabriele. Gabriele Shinmyo Geiger-Stappel practiced Zen with Pia Gyger Roshi, later with Anna Gamma Roshi, Zenzentrum Offener Kreis Luzern. She was appointed a Zen teacher (sensei) by her. She is a member of White Plum Asanga. She is also authorized in contemplation (via integralis) and mindfulness (MBSR) and gives courses in Switzerland and abroad. She practiced professionally as a doctor of psychosomatic medicine/PT and child and adolescent psychiatry. She is married, a mother and grandmother. Together with her husband, Bernhard Stappel, she runs the Zendo Open Circle Freiburg and the Two Wings project, where Zen and Christian mysticism meet.more at www.viaintegralis-freiburg.de

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