
Wonderful world of cyanotype: Blueprint taster course for beginners

Price: 59.00€

Have you ever wondered how photographs are created without a camera or how works of art are created using sunlight? Immerse yourself with us in the fascinating world of cyanotype and discover the magic of one of the oldest photographic processes! In this taster course, you can explore the basics of this creative technique and create your first blue masterpieces. We will coat watercolor paper with two harmless chemicals and expose the now light-sensitive paper with negatives and objects. The subsequent development of the pictures in a water bath is a surprise every time, because depending on the type of paper, coating and objects used, new, unique "blue prints" are created in all possible shades of blue. (Max. 7 participants) - Please bring along: Clothes that can get dirty, if available: dried plants or flowers; all materials and tools will be provided and are already included in the course fee.

Course number: 242207453

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