
Housing for all - guided tour through Weingarten-West (guided tour)

Price: 6.00€

On a walk through Weingarten, we will visit buildings and squares that demonstrate the quality of life and living in Weingarten. The quality was also recognized by the Academy for Urban and Regional Planning, which is why the urban renewal measures were awarded the German Urban Development Prize in May 2023. Together with Landwasser, Weingarten was one of the two new and trendy districts of the late 1960s. In line with the principles of modernism, the principles of "light, air and sun" were applied to the design of the four to sixteen-storey buildings. Spacious apartments with balconies, bathrooms and fitted kitchens were very popular with middle-class families at the time. Day care centers for children and the elderly, shopping centers and an elementary school completed the new district. The walk leads from the small shopping center on Else-Liefmann-Platz with the award-winning timber construction "Buggi 52" to the award-winning facilities of the Adolf-Reichwein-Bildungshaus and the campus of the Evangelische Hochschule to the senior citizens' housing complex of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt. The walk through a modernized modern district is offered by the Freiburg Urban Planning Office. - Registration required.

Course number: 241109566

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