Value(e)full leadership: sustainability as a corporate strategy

Free entry

Values-based leadership plays a central role in the
integration of sustainability into corporate strategies. In the face of climate change, social inequality and economic challenges, it serves as a beacon in the uncertain
in the uncertain VUCA world* and harmoniously combines ESG aspects**. This promotes a transparent corporate culture in which employees are inspired to live sustainability as a daily value.
In her presentation, Heike Hundertmark, entrepreneur and sustainability expert, will shed light on the connection between values-based leadership and sustainability. Her impulse is particularly aimed at committed women in management positions and those who are on their way there, and encourages them to consistently implement their values in their careers.
This will be followed by a panel discussion with experts from business, trade and industry who will share their experiences of sustainable strategies and values-based leadership. This discussion will provide valuable impetus and practical insights. Afterwards, all participants are invited to
invited to an exchange over a snack.
*VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity
**ESG stands for Environmental, Social, Governance

- Moderation: Doris Silberberger, VdU
- Welcome: Linda Steger, Contact Point Women and Career
- Keynote speech: Heike Hundertmark, VdU
- Role models:
Anne Hegemann, badenova AG & Co. KG
Katharina Hupfer, Waschbär GmbH
Alica Ruder, Albert Kern GmbH
Alma Spribille, WEtell GmbH

11:30 Registration
11:45 Welcome
12:00 Keynote speech
12:30 Panel discussion
13:30 Q&A session and networking over a snack
14:30 End of the event

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