The Augustian museum under National Socialism

Webtalk - The Augustian museum under National Socialism

In a webtalk, Julia Wolrab, scientific director of the Documentation Center for National Socialism in Freiburg, talks about the Augustian museum under National Socialism. The Augustian museum was also part of and influenced by Nazi cultural policy in Freiburg. Of particular interest here is the role of Werner Noack, under whose direction the museum was opened in 1923, but who also managed it through and beyond the Nazi era.

The lecture is part of the series "Freiburg and the region under National Socialism" and is being held in cooperation with the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Gedenkstätten und Gedenkstätteninitiativen (LAGG), the University campus Freiburg and the Verbund Gedenkstätten Südlicher Oberrhein. Participation in the event is free of charge.

The following link will take you to the event: https://meet.freiburg.de/b/jul-dnq-rkm-soq.

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