Lecture: "It's all strategy!"

Lecture: "It's all strategy!"

The Museum für Neue Kunst (Museum of Contemporary Art) invites you to a lecture with Roland Krischke, Director of the Lindenau-Museum Altenburg. The topic is "It's all strategy! - How to reinvent a museum landscape". Krischke will talk to Werner Witt from the Friends of the Museum für Neue Kunst (Museum of Contemporary Art) about his master plan "The Lighthouse on the Blue Tide". In 2017, he succeeded in obtaining federal and state funding for the renovation and expansion of the important Altenburg art museum. In 2020, the federal government also provided considerable project funding for the digitalization and qualification of the museum's work. The new master plan "Princes in Sleeping Beauty's Castle" for Altenburg's Schlossberg (castle hill) from 2024 extends the perspective to the planned Altenburg educational landscape. Participation costs the regular entrance fee. The number of participants is limited.

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