Pressebild MuH 2023-04-07

Traveling with "milk and honey

Far too rarely do we detach ourselves from our everyday lives, we are stressed, under pressure and have no time to pause. Music takes us to other worlds, helps us express feelings in a unique way, illustrate profound emotions and touch our heart.

The artist duo "Milk and Honey" deals with this gift. Get out of everyday life, into music, break away from the usual and look behind the scenes - who are we really?

Wolfgang Nehlert (double bass solo, text) and Dietmar Schlager (piano) worked out a program of about 60 minutes with music by Bach, Beethoven, Bottesini, Caccini, Chopin, Dvorak, Nehlert, Rachmaninoff and Saint-Saens as well as selected texts, which follow the red thread: "hope lies within you".

The double bass, built in 1847 by Frères Schwartz in Strasbourg, plays a very special role here. Only in connection with a church room, this double bass can fully unfold in depth and height, comes to an impressive sound strength and a rich color palette.

Look forward to a lasting concert experience.

Monday, June 12, 2023, 7:30 p.m. at Emmauskirche, Katharinenstrasse 9, Freiburg.

Free admission, donations requested. For more information, visit

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