
Tourist information and museums in Mulhouse

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Neighborhood house and square in the Dietenbach district


Neighborhood house and square in the Dietenbach district

27/10/2024 / 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM / Gertrud Luckner Vocational School

In October 2023, the municipal council decided to hold a combined competition with an open space planning brief for the neighborhood square and a structural engineering brief for the neighborhood…

Exhibition by Ildikó Csapó: HYPERCUBE


Exhibition by Ildikó Csapó: HYPERCUBE

27/10/2024 / 11:30 AM - 04:00 PM / Foundation for Concrete Art Roland Phleps

Ildikó Csapó visualizes abstract multidimensional spaces that take shape in different forms and materials.

Kleinlibellen_c_Alberto Ghizzi Panizza


Multifaceted insects - diversity, endangerment, protection

27/10/2024 / 12:00 PM - 05:00 PM / WaldHaus (Forest House) Freiburg

Magnificent colors, bizarre body shapes and fascinating lifestyles: the diversity and adaptability of insects are overwhelming. As the most species-rich group of all living creatures, their…

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