
Swing dance "Lindy Hop

Price: 38.00€

In cooperation with the Swing-in' Freiburg dance school - - Lindy Hop, the swing dance of the thirties and forties, unlike many other couple dances, gives you the opportunity to improvise and be creative with each other. The course teaches basic steps, some figures and the basics of leading and following on the dance floor. Lindy Hop is a so-called "social dance": different people can or should dance with each other during the course, so there will be a constant "partner change". - Registration: Please register at beeger@vhs-freiburg.de. When registering as a single, please indicate whether you would like to lead or follow - we will put you on the waiting list for a balancing partner and the dance studio will inform you shortly whether participation is possible. Absolute registration deadline for singles: Wednesday, 25.9., 10.00 am. Following the workshop on 27.9. there will be a Lindy Hop party from 21:00, which you can attend free of charge.

Course number: 242308660

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