
Writing workshop: Short and shortest stories

Price: 119.00€

Writing often stems from the desire to express something experienced in words and to share it with others by means of a text. The short story is ideal for this. They deal with everyday situations, but thanks to linguistic condensation, the seemingly banal can often reveal its special truth. - This happens in an even more concentrated way in the short story, which can succeed in capturing the illuminating insight of a moment. We will explore the structural forms of such prose (situation, time, narrative perspective, dialog) in a "learning by doing" approach. A writing workshop for anyone who likes to write or has always wanted to write.

Course number: 241202435

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Reading fun in 30 minutes.

26/06/2024 / 04:00 PM / Haslach District Library

What's exciting in the picture book corner? Our reading mentors read out new exciting, funny and beautiful stories.

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