
Writing hikes - nature and the forest as a place for creative writing

Price: 35.00€

"And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul." (John Muir) Just walking outside the front door is enough to discover a wilderness in miniature: the blackbird's nest, the dandelion plant that persistently pushes its way through the asphalt. Nature is all around us, all we need is a close look and fine perception with all our senses. Writing in nature is a twofold experience: quietly observing while stalking mindfully and vigilantly through the terrain and at the same time collecting your own words on the spot and capturing textual snapshots. "I work with pure moments of nature," wrote Brigitte Kronauer, giving us the cue for this afternoon. We will hike together through the countryside on the edge of the city, equipped with perception and writing impulses as well as tools from creative writing, listening to nature and our texts. Writing experience is not required. - Please bring along: A desire to be outdoors, pen and paper, a sturdy writing surface and a good place to sit. We write and read more than we walk, but good footwear is still recommended.

Course number: 241202445

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