Runzen, Deicheln, Bächle, canals (online slide show)

Runzen, Deicheln, Bächle, canals (online slide show)

Free entry

In cooperation with VISTAtour and ARGE Freiburger Stadtbild- Four variations in water: The illustrated lecture presents four varieties of historical and current water use. The brooks, for example, which have sent a shiver down the spine of many an accident insurance employee from northern Germany and were mainly used for cleanliness in the Middle Ages. Or Freiburg's drinking water system, which was considered exemplary in the Middle Ages. You will learn about the background to the industrial sewers, some relics of whose history have survived to this day, about the brotherhood of "drillers and ballers" - and about the long journey of water into the sewer system. Current references to the environmentally friendly use of hydropower round off the lecture. - Registration required.

Course number: 251109421O

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