Courses & workshops, Other
"You can only see well with your heart"
With Karl Scherer
Friday, 04/04/2025 / 06:00 PM - 07:25 PM / Karl Scherer
Experience and practise healing and empathic communication in the dyad.
We combine the exercise of "deep listening" in non-judgmental compassion with sincere self-awareness and self-expression. Topics are everything that moves us deeply: communication in relationships, at work and with our own innermost being Richard Beauvais, expresses best what healing communication can do: "We are here because ultimately there is no escape from ourselves. As long as people do not meet themselves in the eyes and hearts of their fellow human beings, they are on the run. As long as we do not allow our fellow human beings to share in our innermost being, there is no security for us. As long as he is afraid of being seen through, he can neither recognize himself nor others - he will be alone. Where can we find such a mirror if not in our neighbors? It is here in the community that a person can become really clear about himself and no longer see himself as the giant of his dreams or the dwarf of his fears, but as a person who - as part of a whole - makes his contribution to their well-being. In such soil we can take root and grow; no longer alone - as in death - but alive as a person among people."
Every Friday from 18:00 to 19:25, Tibet Keilash Haus, Wallstr. 8, 79098 Freiburg
Recommended donation 10 - 15 €
Registration and all questions directly to: Karl Scherer Mobile: 0049 - 170 - 98 11 447 or by mail
Intuitive Breathing has the power to restore the fundamental rhythm of breathing in the body and to bring about profound physical and mental transformation. It is a method that greatly supports meditation and has been used in many religions. It seems that Karl Scherer has rediscovered something very important." Bede Griffith, OSB, Abbot of Satchitananda Monastery, India "During group sessions in Intuitive Breathwork I have felt the strongest energy that I have ever felt in the highest tantric initiations into Anuttara Yoga ("Unsurpassed Unity Continuum")" Tarab Tulku Rinpoche XI, Reincarnation Lama of the Tarab Ling Monastery of the Gelugpa Lineage and founder of "UNITY IN DUALITY"