Michael Hatzius - Echsotericism

Book tickets

The lizard has long been a guru for its fans. The reptile full of experiences, stories and wisdom lays his cards on the table for us. Fully enlightened and perfectly illuminated by the multi-award-winning puppeteer Michael Hatzius, who seems to disappear skillfully into the aura of the loud-mouthed reptile.
Who leads whom and what holds the world together at its core? Can a chicken have spiritual experiences? How do pigs mob each other? What is a camel looking for on the stalk of a tick?
These are just a few questions from an animal cosmos that seems not so dissimilar to our own. The audience is invited to a humorous audience with an open heart and a big mouth, in which the audience itself is also the center of attention. So you can once again look forward to some exquisite improvisations!

More information: https://www.michaelhatzius.net

Photo: Christine Fiedler / Paul Jackel

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