Matinee: Everything comes from the mountain
Sunday, 06/04/2025 / 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM / Colombischlössle – Archäologisches Museum (archaeological museum "Colombischlössle")
At the matinee at the archaeological museum "Colombischlössle", participants can immerse themselves in the exciting field of mining archaeology with expert Maya Sandhaas. People began mining mineral raw materials for their tools as early as the Stone Age. The extraction of mineral resources and their processing and trade have influenced the social, technical and economic transformation of entire societies to this day. The event will be accompanied by music from the Arcadia Ensemble with Sonja Kanno-Landoll on the recorder and transverse flute and Christian Zimmermann on the lute. An event with the Friends of the Archaeological Museum e. V. Participation costs 7 euros, concessions 5 euros. Tickets are available in the online store.