Price: 9.00€

The old, somewhat crotchety and awkward Mr. Pettersson and his clever but somewhat annoying cat Findus are among the declared favorite characters of all children.

Time and again, these two cult figures from the multi-award-winning Swedish author and illustrator Sven Nordqvist master the challenges of everyday life in their own rather unusual and entertaining way.

Distinctive characters and detailed, hand-painted backdrops round off this entertaining live experience, in the course of which the young audience naturally takes an active part.

The play is adapted for children aged 2 and over and lasts approx. 50 minutes.

Reservations (recommended) at: marionettentheater-stromboli@web.de
or by telephone: 0176 -219 820 97
Box office - 30 minutes before the start
Admission from 30 minutes before the start
Admission: 9 € p.p.
INFO: 0176 -219 820 97

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