Mameleben or the stolen happiness

Book tickets

Michel Bergmann - Musical accompaniment: Sibylla Ersing and Anna Köbrich Magnificent and unnerving, loving and oppressive, self-sacrificing but also overbearing - Michel Bergmann loves his mother Charlotte and sometimes can't stand her. In this book, in which he spares nothing and no one, he tells the story of this strong, headstrong woman: her expulsion from Germany, the loss of almost her entire family, the luck of finding her future husband again, and yet a fate in which she is all too often left to fend for herself.

Michel Bergmann was born in 1945 as the child of interned Jewish refugees in Riehen near Basel. He spent his early childhood in Paris and his youth in Frankfurt am Main. After graduating, he worked as a journalist, including for the 'Frankfurter Rundschau', later as a director and producer, and since 1990 also as a screenwriter (including 'Otto - Der Katastrofenfilm', 'Es war einmal in Deutschland ...'). His first novel 'Die Teilacher' was published in 2010 and has been followed by eight more books to date. Michel Bergmann lives in and near Berlin.

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