Literaturhaus reading marathon - short readings and music at the long table

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"Do we know each other? Didn't we forget each other on a street corner the other day? Did we get completely lost and not find each other again? I do know you. We said goodnight to each other in this square, you know, with the park benches and the plane trees and the special light."

So begins one of Marie T. Martin's many unforgettable prose miniatures. And so we begin this long day of reading - with the volume "Der Winter dauerte 24 Jahre" (Poetenladen, 2024), which brings together the work and legacy of the poet who grew up in the Dreisamtal and who shaped our youth writing workshop for a long time. The latest "Schreibcouch" vintage will then read. This will be followed by an evening on the pulse of Freiburg literature. The short readings will be led by members of our supporting association - Eberhard Bittcher, Werner Baur, Antigone Kiefner - and the Literaturhaus team, accompanied by aperitifs and music.

5 pm: Reading on Marie T. Martin and writing couch presentation
6:15 pm: Talks with Maria Schüly ("Julius Bissier und Richard Bampi: Das Freiburger Keramikbild") and Bettina Schulte (ed. of "Heute ist ein guter Tag, das Patriarchat abzuschafft")
from 7 pm: Short readings with Tobias Scheffel (as translator of Teodor Ceri'c's "Gärten in Zeiten des Krieges"), Werner Weimar-Mazur ("ich grabe nach den bleistiften homers"), Sylvia Schmieder "zusammen bleiben"), Ulrich Land ("Die Leiden der jungen Weiber"), Susanne Eules ("miami t:ex[i]ting"), José F. A. Oliver ("In jeder Fluss mündet ein Meer")
Drawing: © Andreas Töpfer

Co-organizer: Buchhandlung jos fritz
Supported by Förderkreis Literaturhaus Freiburg e.V.

Date: 19.9.2024, 17-22 h
Location: Literaturhaus Freiburg, Bertoldstraße 17
Admission: 11/7 Euro

Short readings

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