Lirum Larum reading festival: zupf dir worte - hands-on exhibition with free-flying words and sounds (5-11 years)

Book tickets

"zupf dir worte" invites children and families to play with words and sounds. In a movable stage set made of floating cushions, children can read, cuddle and write their own poetry: with stamps, pens or chalk, inspired by texts by the poet Uljana Wolf. On the opening weekend, four musicians will sing, whisper and play "Wortlaut" concerts. Crawling, babbling, drumming, hissing, clapping and jumping allowed!

Sat, 5.10., 15:30-16:15; Sun, 6.10., 14-14:45
Wortlaut-Konzert: Brumm! (2-4 years)

Sat, 5.10., 5-6 pm; Sun, 6.10., 3:30-4:30 pm
Wortlaut-Konzert: Wumm! (4-6 years)

Sun, 6.10., 11-11:35 am
Wortlaut-Konzert: Summ! (babies up to 2 years)

Registration for all family concerts:
Photo: © Christina Voigt

An event of the Literatursommer 2024 of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung,, and the Baden-Württemberg Children's and Youth Literature Days, funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science and the Arts

Cooperation partner: LOUDsoft e.V.

Opening hours of the hands-on exhibition:
Tue, 8-Thu, 10/10, 15-18:00
Sat, 12-Sun, 13/10, 11-17:00
Tue, 15-Mi, 16/10, 15-18:00

In the mornings: Freiburg school classes

Contact: Birgit Güde,, Tel. 0761 28 99 89

Date: 5-16.10.2024
Location: Literaturhaus, Bertoldstraße 17
Admission free


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