
Body - Breath - Voice: Weekend workshop singing basics

Price: 79.00€

Through our own body awareness and awareness of breathing, we arrive at the voice and vocalization. A course for all those who want to get to know and deepen their own voice, musical and vocal abilities in order to strive for a free, resonant and sustainable voice. We will deal with the following topics: Interaction of breathing, body and voice; physical loosening and relaxation exercises; promotion of body awareness/posture; conscious breathing (breathing exercises, activation of the diaphragm); perceiving and using the body's resonance spaces; singing exercises (care, strengthening and growth of your own voice); exercises for articulation, sound, vowel formation and vowel balancing, as well as positional balancing and the expansion of individual vocal and expressive possibilities. - Please bring comfortable clothing and a mat.

Course number: 241213404

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