International World Cleanup Day

International World Cleanup Day

September 20 is the international World Cleanup Day. Whether privately, alone or with the augenauf! freiburg team - every action counts. You can collect garbage wherever it has accumulated. All volunteers will be provided with free cleaning kits consisting of wooden tongs, garbage bags and gloves. These are available from the ASF, the municipal recycling centers and the local authorities in Lehen, Hochdorf, Kappel, Waltershofen, Munzingen and Opfingen. The ASF collects and disposes of the filled garbage bags.

Inquiries and registrations for World Cleanup Day are accepted via the e-mail address Anyone who would like to can also join the augenauf! freiburg team on September 20 and collect garbage together at the lake park from 10 am to 12 noon. The meeting point is the Grenzstraße parking lot near the Seepark. Please register in advance by writing to the above e-mail address.

Incidentally, World Cleanup Day is also the starting signal for the crown cork collection campaign, which runs until the end of the year. If not disposed of in garbage cans or the yellow bag, crown caps are a real nuisance in green spaces. In addition, the crown caps lying around in the countryside represent a real loss of potential recyclable material. The ASF therefore encourages all Freiburg residents to collect crown corks separately during waste collection campaigns and to place them separately next to the filled bin liners. Additional bags for crown corks will be made available to collection groups for this purpose. Crown caps are also accepted at the municipal recycling centers and the ASF administration building. At the end of the campaign period, the ASF will recycle them and donate the material value to Freiburger Tafel e.V..

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