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"I exist over 8 billion times. And you?", "I am human because you are.", "I have given up freedom to fight for freedom!" - In August, slogans by ten young authors were emblazoned on advertising pillars throughout Freiburg, as well as in Heilbronn, Stuttgart, Schwäbisch Hall and Ladenburg. All of them translate the line of poetry "Der Freiheit eine Gasse!" ("An alley for freedom!") from the pen of revolutionary Georg Herwegh into our present day. As the motto of the Baden-Württemberg Summer of Literature, this line raises questions about living together, the tension between individual freedom and collective responsibility and the importance of literature in times that call for the defense of democratic values.

Grit Krüger, Mara Genschel and Laura Cwiertnia, three of the authors, discuss the art of language and politics with Freiburg journalist Jürgen Reuß.
Photos: Laura Cwiertnia © Marlena Waldthausen, Mara Genschel © Yvonne Tenschert, Grit Krüger © Felix Grünschloß

A project of the Literaturhaus Stuttgart in cooperation with the Literaturhäuser Freiburg and Heilbronn, the Literaturbüro Ladenburg and the Kulturamt Schwäbisch Hall as part of the Literatursommer 2024 of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, www.literatursommer.de

On September 19, Mara Genschel will be a guest at the PEAC Museum Freiburg at 6:30 pm with the research performance "Small Talk Studies" (exhibition "Look Loop").

Date: 18.9.2024, 19:30
Location: Literaturhaus Freiburg, Bertoldstraße 17
Admission: 11/7 euros


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