Ingo Oschmann - Wonderful, that's the way it is!
Ingo Oschmann
Saturday, 01/11/2025 / 08:00 PM / Vorderhaus (cultural center)
Ingo Oschmann's program is different and unique every evening. And anyone who has ever seen Ingo live is always delighted by him.
Stand-up comedy, magic, improvisation, the 80s and many a profound moment make for a top-class evening.
Everything around us is our life and we can reflect on it and laugh heartily on this evening.
As always, Ingo gives his all, because everything can, nothing must, but everything must come out!
"Wunderbar - Es ist ja so!" is an eloquent, magical evening that leaves its audience with a warm heart in cold times. Ingo has not only invented his very own genre, he also spreads a message alongside Oschmann's "feel-good entertainment": "Laughter without remorse".
More info: https://www.ingo-oschmann.de/