Flood protection in Freiburg

Flood protection in Freiburg

Price: 6.00€

Floods in Freiburg? Statistically, such an event occurs every 100 years. With the aim of improving flood protection, the city of Freiburg has built and expanded two flood retention basins (HRB): the Breitmatte flood retention basin at Wonnhalde was enlarged to protect the districts of Günterstal, Wiehre, Haslach and Weingarten from flooding in the future. The new new HRB Bohrertal in the Horben district was opened in April 2023. It can hold a total of 40,000 cubic meters of water, which flows out slowly. After a tour of the culvert structure at the HRB Bohrertal operations building, the guided tour takes you around the dam with explanations. Please remember to wear sturdy shoes. - Registration required

Course number: 251104644

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20/02/2025 / 03:30 PM - 04:00 PM / Stadtbibliothek (municipal library)

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