Herdermer summer readings: Sarbacher/Sarbacher/Schneider-Lastin - I still have questions

Free entry

What do I know about my grandparents? A private search for clues has turned into a polyphonic book project that portrays the 20th century in a unique way. Authors from Germany, Switzerland and Austria tell their stories from the grandchildren's perspective. From the emotional, sometimes traumatic echoes of grandparents across generational boundaries. A project that started small and then unexpectedly made waves. Zora del Buono, Alex Capus, Daniela Engist, Gottfried Hornberger, Herrad Schenk, Romana Ganzoni and Alice Grünfelder are among those taking part. The actor/author couple Ariela and Thomas Sarbacher and the publisher Wolfram Schneider-Lastin will be attending the book launch in Herdern.

An event in cooperation with FABRIK für Handwerk, Kultur und Ökologie e.V., moderated by Daniela Engist.

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