Hamlet dies and then goes out for spaghetti
Thursday, 10/04/2025 / 07:30 PM / SÜDUFER
Thursday, 10/04/2025 / 07:30 PM / SÜDUFER
20/03/2025 / 10:00 AM / Theater im Marienbad (Theatre in the Marienbad)
Comedy & show
20/03/2025 / 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM / The Friedrich | CoWorking & Shop
Freiburg's regular stand-up comedy open mic.
Comedy & show, Drama
20/03/2025 / 07:30 PM - 10:00 PM / Winery Dilger
"ImproComedy deluxe" An evening full of quirky humor, heaps of tears of laughter, crazy, interactive stories and surprisingly profound scenes.