
Gothic, gables, tanneries: Freiburg's architectural epochs (guided tour)

Price: 12.00€

They are out and about all year round, tourists in search of the many cute half-timbered houses that are commonly associated with southern Germany. But there aren't many of them. Gables facing the street were also not common here. Instead, eaves houses dominate - why? And is Freiburg the city of Gothic architecture if there are so many different architectural styles at the cathedral? The tour provides practical tips on how to get to the bottom of supposedly old houses. After all, 1460 is not always the same as 1460. How nice that some facades can provide answers here. This guided tour dispels some of the illusions created by the reconstruction plan, awakens enthusiasm for all types of architecture and spans the period from the Middle Ages to the present day. - Registration required.

Course number: 242109516

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Community Journaling with Elise

Courses & workshops

Community Journaling with Elise

20/09/2024 / 08:00 AM - 09:15 AM / Creative Park Lokhalle Freiburg

For this month's theme of REFLECTION, we have decided to gather for some guided journaling. The instructions will be in English but the journaling will be in your own language ;-)

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