Golden Cup - Meanings of the female breast | Andrea Lagos - NaOm Teatro

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Golden Cup is a piece about the female breast. The breasts staged in the performance become a resonance chamber for historical and contemporary practices of exposure and concealment. In Golden Cup, Andrea Lagos' piece combines stories that took place at different times and in different places. Golden Cup asks how the clothing or painting of the body changes the movement of the breasts. Golden Cup shows how bras and no-bra shape and change the female body, how movements are enabled or prevented and how identities are created. On stage, the costume becomes a space for action and a stage space. It is a dance event that critically questions perceptions of the female body and contains sketches of the history of clothing and the history of SELKNAM. The result is light-footed, joyful, soulful and touching choreographies.

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12/09/2024 / 08:00 PM - 09:15 PM / Theater Freiburg - Small House

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