Guitar recital with Marcin Dylla
with works by Silvius Leopold Weiss, Wenzel Thomas Matiegka, Astor Piazzolla, Lennox Berkeley

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Guitar recital with Marcin Dylla - with works by Silvius Leopold Weiss, Wenzel Thomas Matiegka, Astor Piazzolla, Lennox Berkeley

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Marcin Dylla is considered by many experts and music lovers to be one of the most highly regarded guitar soloists. He owes his excellent reviews to an impressive number of prizes won at major music competitions - in the years 1996-2007 he received 19 first prizes at prestigious international guitar competitions in Europe and the USA and was also awarded audience prizes and orchestra prizes several times.

Marcin Dylla achieved his internationally established position as an exceptional musical personality thanks to his collaboration with renowned musicians and orchestras, the
direction of master classes, recitals at many music festivals and numerous concerts in
world-famous concert halls such as: Konzerthaus (concert hall) - Vienna, Musikverein - Vienna, Auditorio Nacional
- Madrid, Concertgebouw - Amsterdam, Philharmonie - St. Petersburg, Tchaikovsky Hall -
Moscow, National Concert Hall - Taipei, Kleinhans Music Hall - Buffalo New York, Carnegie Hall -
New York.
First prize at the "Guitar Foundation of America International Competition" in Los Angeles, the most prestigious guitar competition in the world, has led to a concert tour in more than 60 cities in North America, Canada and Mexico. After his concert in Washington, the Washington Post wrote: "If there was any doubt that Dylla is one of the most gifted guitarists on the planet, it was shattered Friday night."

"Judging by the total silence of the audience before the eruption of thunderous applause after each item on the program, "incredible" was back to its original strength in the handsome and acoustically rich hall at St. Paul Lutheran Church." (Herald Tribute)

"And if there were any doubt that Dylla ranks among the most gifted guitarists on the planet, they were dispelled on Friday night. ...... each work on the short program -- including Nicholas Maw's brilliant, diabolically difficult "Music of Memory" -- was almost achingly poetic. This is definitely a guitarist to watch." (Washington Post)

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