Plaster mold making and porcelain casting

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In this workshop, you will make a one- or two-part plaster casting mold of an object of your choice, which you can later fill with porcelain or other ceramic casting materials. In the workshop you will learn how to examine a model for undercuts and how to construct, insert and form a one- or multi-part mold. We will then use my technique to paint the mold with colored porcelain and, if necessary, rework it later with porcelain.
Models for the casting will be available, but you can also bring your own. Simple geometric shapes, no larger than 10 cm, such as vessels, fruit and everyday objects are suitable. The surface of the molds should be water-repellent so that the plaster does not stick to it.

The finished plaster mold created during construction is suitable for 50-100 casts with ceramic materials or porcelain.

The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.

Course times: Fri. 16-20 hrs, Sat. 10-17 hrs, Sun. 10-16 hrs

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