Family afternoon
What does orange actually sound like?

Family afternoon - What does orange actually sound like?

Do we only hear with our ears or can we also perceive sounds with other senses? Families with children aged 5 and over can find out during a guided tour of the "Hearing differently" exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Afterwards, young and old transfer sounds into colorful pictures in the studio. Participation costs 5 euros for children, adults pay 5 euros plus admission. Tickets are available in the online store. Please note that children can only take part if accompanied by an adult. This person also needs a ticket.

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Children & youth, Other

Gaming afternoon for children

18/06/2024 / 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM / Stadtbibliothek (municipal library)

Children aged 8 and over are invited to play games on our Nintendo Switch and PS4 consoles.

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