Family afternoon: KeltenKids

Family afternoon: KeltenKids

Did children go to school in Celtic times? What did they play with and how did they live? Families with children aged 5 and over can explore the exhibition "KeltenKids - A journey into the Iron Age" at the archaeological museum "Colombischlössle" with all their senses. Afterwards, they create a Celtic-style treasure chest as a souvenir. Children pay 5 euros, adults 5 euros plus admission. Tickets are available in the online store. Please note that children can only take part if accompanied by an adult. This person also needs a ticket.

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Children & youth, Other

Free gaming

13/09/2024 / 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM / Haslach District Library

There are 4 consoles (PS5, PS4, XboxOne and 3DS) as well as iPads and a gaming PC available in the "gaming zone" at Jubi Haslach. With a valid ID card, you can play, test and exchange games for 1…

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