
A first-person narrator, who calls himself "Christian Kracht", sets off on a road trip through Switzerland with his poverty-stricken mother, her walking frame, plenty of painkillers, tranquilizers and vodka, as well as a plastic bag full of money that they want to give away on a grand scale. Their journey brings mother and son closer together and confronts them both with the history of their family in the Third Reich and the young Federal Republic, as well as with their shared and individual traumas. Christian Kracht's seemingly autobiographical novel EUROTRASH is a sophisticated play with authenticity and identity, truth and fiction, which Peter Carp stages as a mother-son story that is both amusing and touching. "My real mother was like that and then again she wasn't like that at all, although of course I would have liked her to be like that. I was guided by Graham Greene's fabulous novel THE JOURNEYS WITH MY DANCER, among other things. So a middle-aged man goes on a journey with his impossible mother and experiences all kinds of adventures. And yes, the upper middle class and its inherent fear of slipping into the middle class is certainly always good for a little farce." (Christian Kracht)

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