Lectures, readings & discussions
EU made in Baden-Württemberg: MPs in conversation
Thursday, 27/03/2025 / 06:30 PM / Online event
In cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry, the Baden-Württemberg Europe Direct Network is organizing an online discussion with members of the European Parliament from the southwest. Michael Bloss (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Andreas Glück (FDP), Marc Jongen (AfD, requested), René Repasi (SPD) and Andrea Wechsler (CDU) have confirmed their attendance on Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 pm.
The event will be moderated by Birgit Boeser, Director of the European Academy of Bavaria. Economy, climate and environmental protection, foreign and security policy, democracy - the discussion offers the opportunity to talk directly to the MPs and discuss Europe's current challenges and expectations for the future.
Participation is free. Interested parties can register here: