Ethics and transplantation medicine: panel discussion on life, death and organ donation

Ethics and transplantation medicine: panel discussion on life, death and organ donation

Free entry

Transplantation medicine not only opens up the possibility of saving lives, but also raises complex medical and ethical questions. These will be discussed by three experts at a panel discussion on Tuesday, July 16, at 7 p.m. at the Catholic Academy Freiburg, Wintererstr. 1: Joachim Boldt, Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Freiburg, Bernd Jänigen from the Transplant Center of the University Hospital Freiburg and Jochen Sautermeister, holder of the Chair of Moral Theology at the University of Bonn.

The public debate often revolves around the acute organ shortage and possible solutions to counter this. A central point of discussion is whether brain death is justified as a criterion for the death of a person. Numerous other questions arise in the area of conflict between ethics and moral theology: How can the time of death be defined and determined? How can organs be distributed fairly? Should organ donation be based on a consent or objection solution? The role of informing relatives and the problem of the commercialization of the human body will also be examined.

The event will take place in person and online and is part of the #FreiburgEntscheidetSich campaign

Admission is free. Registration at:

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