Energy-efficient building refurbishment

Energy-efficient building refurbishment

From October 9 to November 20, the Environmental Protection Agency's advisory campaign on the topic of "Energy-efficient building renovation" will be out and about in Littenweiler, answering individual questions from homeowners: "How can I change my heating system? How can I save money and energy?"

The kick-off event will take place on Wednesday, October 9, at 7 p.m. in the Bürgersaal (Ebneter Straße 13) in Littenweiler. Benjamin Illenberger, energy consultant from the consumer advice center, will give practical tips on the topic of energy-efficient building renovation. The Energy Caravan procedure will be explained and there will be information on the city's "Climate-friendly living" funding program.

As part of the energy caravan, property owners can obtain free advice on renovation options and thus drive forward their private energy transition. The initial consultations are individually tailored to the buildings and are combined with a home visit by energy consultants from the consumer advice center. Here, questions can be asked about energy optimization options for the house, as well as possible modernization and refurbishment measures and corresponding funding opportunities. For example, property owners who take advantage of the city's "Climate-friendly living" funding program can secure a bonus of up to 500 euros by participating in a consultation. The city has commissioned the association fesa e.V. to organize the energy caravan.

To register for the kick-off event, visit, send an email to or call 0761/ 407 361.

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