Die Schöne Melusine-a puppet theater from a suitcase with creative workshop

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A Black Forest saga out of a suitcase with handmade puppets and backdrops with a creative workshop for children and adults aged 5 and over (60 min).

Chamber performance for up to 15 children and 15 adults.

Freely adapted from the book by Steph Burlefinger "Vom Seemänle, dem Haselbub und der schönen Melusine".

A long time ago, not only people lived in the Black Forest. You could also meet ghosts. And there were mermaids in the crystal-clear lakes.

This story is about a mermaid called Melusine. Her father Himmelstollen cast a spell on her and turned her into a beautiful girl.

But what does Melusine actually want? To be a beautiful girl on land, or to return to her mermaid form and live under water again?
Will her beloved Sebald, a son of the Lord of Staufenberg Castle in Durbach, fulfill her wishes?

An important part of the program is the creative workshop that follows, where each child will make a small gift for themselves in memory of Melusine.

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