The art of sumi-e ink painting

This course teaches ink toning, basic brush movements, techniques such as lining and various types of ink flow techniques. The balance between the various pictorial elements is of great importance. The focus is on classic motifs and advanced techniques are taught as well as combining different essences and layering color tones to achieve decorative 3D effects and deeper nuances. Additional working techniques such as coloring/running/flowing/dotting can be applied particularly well to more modern compositions. In the final step, individual works are created - carefully and creatively. A simple rubber name stamp can also be created. No previous experience is required.

Course instructor: Takeda, Rie. The course instructor has been working as a freelance artist and professional calligrapher in Europe and Japan since 2000. She has been teaching Shodō, the art of Japanese calligraphy, and sumi-e in adult education since 2002.

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